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![]() | Related post: lished in the British Medical Journal. Mr. Hart says : " The final question of the clinical physician and the medical prac- titioner is the practical demand for the definition of the position of hypnotism in its relation to therapeutics. I may, I think, take it as proved beyond all reasonable doubt that the hypnotic condition is a real and admitted clinical fact. Setting aside all the impostures, fol- lies, and errors which have gathered around it — brushing away the fan- tastic halo of clairvoyance, telepathic visional communication, transfer- ence of thought or sensation across space, or by contact and externali- zation of sensation, as pure fallacies, fancies, or frauds — we have still beneath them the solid basis of the subjective condition of artificially induced sleep and heightened Rocaltrol 0.25 Mg suggestibility. What use, if any, can be made of the power of suggestion under these circumstances as a cura- tive agent? In reply to this question I will adduce chiefly the evidence of Dr. Luys, Dr. Charcot, Dr. Babiuski, and M. Ballet, analyzing the results of long years of clinical experiment on a vast number of sub- jects in Paris and in Nancy. M. Babinski discusses the subject very carefully in a lecture which he gave at the Salpetriere on June 23, 1891.* He opens his lecture very frankly with the statement follow- ing : ' At the Salpijtriere, without at all objecting to hypnotism as a weapon of the therapeutic arsenal, it is considered that its indications are limited, and that this mode of cure can hardly be applied with suc- cess except in hysteria.' ' In any case it may," he considers, ' be af- firmed' (page 23) 'that the greater part of the effects which have been cured by this method arise from Rocaltrol 0.25 and belong to that neurosis.' ' Hypnotism,' he further says, ' may, it must be admitted, serve in the treatment of hysterical manifestations, but it must be acknowledged also that even in affections of this class hypnotic practice does not give brilliant results.' " He groups hysterics from the therapeutic point of view into two distinct classes. To the first belong the great Buy Rocaltrol number of hysterical persons who are not capable of being hj-pnotized, however much trouble is taken with them. Some of these patients are no doubt subject to the very old-fashioned influence of suggestion in the waking state. Such people have always been susceptible to cure by bread pills and distilled water, and by the 'rapid' influence of electrotherapy, hydro- therapy, etc. In the second class are the hysterics — persons who can be hypnotized — and these present numerous varieties. Some of them, especially those subject to hysterical neuralgia and cutaneous hyperaes- thesia, are very rebellious to suggestion, and in others only a partial and very inadequate result is obtained. In some cases of hysterical con- traction of the limbs suggestion gives relief, but it has to be renewed from day to day, sometimes five or six times a day, and is very liable to relapse. In a very tew cases a gradual and definite amelioration is obtained, as in a case of hysterical muscular contraction and coxalgia of which Dr. Babinski is able to quote one case. ' Finally,' he asks himself .after many years of study and experience as chef de dinique des maladies nerveuscs and as hospital physician, who has constantly ob- served the cases at the Salpetriere, ' does the field of action of hypno- tism pass beyond the domain of hysteria ? ' His final conclusion, which he italicizes at the close of his address, is that it is justifiable to say, and he is authorized to conclude, that outside of hysteria there does not exist a single affection capable of being notably modified by hypnotism, or at least that the contrary is not proved, for the observa- tions published with that object are far fi'om being demonstrative. Of course, the opposite thesis is maintained by M. Bernheim, but after the close analysis to which Dr. Babinski subjects the cases published by Dr. Bernheim in his two books on psychotherapy and suggestion, there remains very little which can be accepted as substantial. " Besides bodily diseases, some alienist physicians have alleged that mental maladies may be cured by hypnotism. Here, again, we may take the results of competent French alienists who have given a prac- tical trial to this method. M. Magnau authorizes the statement that Rocaltrol Calcitriol experiments made on the treatment of insanity by at the Bureau de I'Admission for three years have given no appreciable re- sult, while M. Bernheim himself recognizes that the domain of mental alienation is the most rebellious to suggestion. Dr. Forel, of Zurich, is not less positive in his conclusions. He says : f ' Insane ideas have * Hypnotismt el hysteric, du role de Vhypnolisme en. therapeutique Le^on faite i la Salpetriere le 23 Juin, 1891, par J. Babinski, m^decin des hopitaux, ancien chef declinique des maladies nerveuses A la Facul- ty. Paris: G. Masson, 1891. ■|- Premier ccmgrh international do Vhypnothsme, p. 155. Paris: Oc tave Dom, 1890. March 11, 1S93.] MISCELLANY. 287 never been modified in any patient. Even those whom Calcitriol Rocaltrol 1 succeeded in hypnotizing, in rendering anjesthesic amnesic, whom I made realize post-hypnotic suggestions, refused to accept any suggestion opposed to their insane ideas. 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