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Related post: 3. Bergh, R. Ueber Tatowierungen der Prostituierten. yfonatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., March 1, 1891. 4. Blasfako, A. Die Siderosis der iliiller. Monatsh. f. pralt. Bermat., si, 1890, No. 3. , 5. Casper. Ueber Tatowierungen. VierteJj. f. yericht. u. offentl. Med., i, 18.52. 6. Chereau. Le tatonage. Union medicate, vi, 1882. 7. Filomosi, Guelfi e Rezzonico. Sul transporto alle plan- dole linfatiche della materia colorante dei tatuaggi. Giornal. internaz. delle scieme mediche, 1888, No. 12. 8. Hansen, S. Oni Stigmata hos Forbrvdere. Hasp. Tid , vii, 1889. 9. Rutin. Recherches sur les tatouages. Bull, de VAcad. ih med., xviii, 18.53. 10. Rutin. Recherches $nr les tntouoges, Paris, Azelastine Hci 1853. 11. Joest, W. TOtowieren, 1887. 12. .Joest, W. Korperbemalen und Tatowieren, etc. Zeit- schrifif. Ethnolog., xx, 1888. 13. Lacassagne. Les tatouages. 1881. 14. Magitot, E. Recherches ethnologiques sur le tatonage. Union medicate, xxxii, 1881. 15. Pashko, H. Ueber Tatowiernng und deren Anwendnng znr Deckung mangelnder oder fehlender Rautpigmentation. Wiener med. Wochenschri/t , 1892, No. 4. 16. RoUet, E. Tatonage . . . d'origineprofessionelle. Gm. hebdomad, de med. et de chir., Nov. 1, 1890. 17. Tardieu. £tude ra^dico-legale sur le tatouage. Ann. d'hyg. pubtigue. 2 s., iii, 1885. 18. Variot, G. Les tatouages. Revue scientijique, May 12, 1883. 19. Variot, G. Nouvean proc^dfi de destruction des tatou- ages. Comptes rendus de la Soc. de hiotog., July, 1888. 20. Variot, G. Les tatouages et les peintures de la peau. Recue scientijique, 1889. 21. Variot, G., et M. Raoult. Recherches sur les tatouages des piquenrs et des rhabilleurs des meules. Gas. med. de Azelastine Nasal Spray Paris, 1891, No. .50. SUGGESTIONS FOR A NEW METHOD OF Azelastine Spray TAKING EXPERT TESTIMONY.* By LANDON CARTER GRAY, M. D.. PROFESSOR OF NERVOUS A>ffl> MENTAL DISEASE IN THE NEW YORK POLYCLFNIC. No one will venture to deny that the present method of taking the testimony of medical experts is unsatisfactory, for judges, lawyers, and jurymen regard these gentlemen with distrust, and medical men, as a rule, arc very reluctant to go on the witness stand. To us physicians the reason for all this is perfectly obvious. The machinery of the law is not adequate for the purpose of obtaining for judges and Buy Azelastine juries the opinion of competent medical men. One of the latter, for example, who is to give his opinion to a jury upon a great question of medical science goes upon the witness * Read before the New York Society Azelastine Hydrochloride of Medical .lurisprudcnee, April 10, 1898. 548 GRAY: XEW METHOD OF TAKIXG EXPERT TESTIMOXT. [N. Y. Med. Jottb., stand in a radically false position at the verv start, since lie is regarded by everybody as a partisan, this opinion often beinsj held most strenuously by the lawyers who have retained him. His successful passage through the cross-examination to which he will be Azelastine Eye Drops subjected is generally dependent much more, I am sorry to say, upon his quickness of wit and repartee than upon his knowledge of medicine, as he is seldom a match for the trained disputants of the law, facile Related links: diflucan purchase, Valacyclovir Vs Valtrex, Dexamethasone Im, Price For Lexapro, buy propecia 5mg australia, Order Ashwagandha Online, Cleocin Online, Get Zyban, Alli Mg, Buy Cheap Claritin