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Related post: the TJterus.— rfj|M)tr {.(inz. d,i ,j,pi:,„li.;i',,, JLirch l.'j, IS'il, and Dnil.
in,,l. Ziy., LSiiO, Xo.. 4!)-r.l) bus njaile a study of this as Buy Methotrexate yet undevel-
oped subject. He examined thirteen lubes Intrathecal Methotrexate taken from seven opera-
lions for the removal of the annexa for tibro-myoma of the uterus.
I )f these, live showed no change whatever, four were in a state of ca-
lirrhal inflammation, two Methotrexate Sodium showed iiypcricmia, one presented a hicmato-
salpinx,and one had undergone an interstitial fibroid change. In some
of the ca.«es the tubes were filled wiih a serous or scro-sanguineous fluid,
and their external orifice was obliterated. The changes in the lubes,
therefore, may play a role among the numerous cause? of sterility in
women the subjects of uterine fibroids.
Endometritis during the Course of Acute Infectious Diseases. —
Ma.»sen {ihld.) has inv.-stigat.-.l riw^ .,f infe.tioiirRa Methotrexate intensely injected, especially the
small veins and capillaries, and presented ecchymoses, either in patches
or disseminated all over the surface of the mucous membrane. The
epithelia of the glands were in a state of tumefaction, the cells were
desquamated, and the lumina of the glands were filled with cells, mu-
cus, and blood-corpuscles. Frequently the glands penetrated deeply
into the muscular layer — a characteristic sign of endometritis, as shown
by Cornil. The stroma of the mucous membrane showed in most cases
a diffuse granular infiltration. There was, therefore, in all the cases a
hsemorrhagic endometritis, confirming the observations of Slaviansky
made in cases of cholera. The author emphasizes the Methotrexate Intrathecal role the infec-
tious diseases play as etiological factors in Cost Of Methotrexate endometritis, particularly in
women who have not passed the period of sexual activity.
A Eare Complication of Oral Methotrexate Fibro-myoma of the 'Cterus. — Dr. Winter
{Ctrlbi.fiir Giiii.. ISHl, No. 1) has presented to the Berlin Gyntecologieal
Society a very iuterestins case. The patient had an interstitial myoma
about the size of an adult's head. There was a perforation of the
uterus at the point where the cavity was flexed sharply forward. On
curetting the uterus, the curette passed through this opening Methotrexate Tablet into the
subserous tissue of the posterior wall of the uterus, peeling off the
pcritonjBum and penetrating one of the larger veins. Two hours later
the patient was exsanguinated, and, as she was in a dangerous condi-
tion, laparotomy was done. The abdomen was found filled with coagu-
lated and fluid blood. On the posterior wall of the myoma, near the
internal os, was found a rent two inches long, Methotrexate Prices with marked degenerated
holders, and this was still bleeding. The growth and uterus were am-
putated, and the patient recovered in spite of several Cost Methotrexate embolic infarcts
in the lungs.
Gynaecological Examinations in Trendelenburg's Postuie. — Methotrexate Tablets Dr. v.
Stroynowski (CtrllA. fiir (Ji/n., Methotrexate In Ra 1891, Xo. :;) makes a plea for what is
known in surgery as Tredelenbiirg's posture, with elevation of the pel-
vis, in examinations of obscurt affections of the pelvic contents. He
cites a case in which this posture was of great service to him. The
case was one in which there Methotrexate Oral was a considerable quantity of fluid in
the abdomen. The position of the uterus and annexa could not be as-
certained by the usual bimanual method with the patient in the hori-
zontal posture, but when Methotrexate Costs she was placed in Tredelenburg's posture the
fluid gravitated to the most dependent part of the abdomen, and the
contents of the pelvis were easily palpated. The author thinks this
posture can easily be attained at the patient's home as well as in the
physician's office, and that it should become popular.
[There has been a healthy tendency of late to place the diagnosis Methotrexate Buy
of gynnecological affections on an accurate and scientific basis. It is Methotrexate Cancer a
notorious fact that in this country, which may lay claim to the birth of
gynaecology, accuracy and precision in diagnosis are desiderata which
do not receive sulficient weight. The maxim, "If you are in doubt
open the abdomen and find out," may in a measure account for the pre-
vailing looseness in diagnosis. But we venture to state that the near
future will sec a marked reaction in this regard. More attention w ill
be bestowed on careful examinations in Methotrexate Ra different postures, and a resort
to ana^sthesia in difficult and obscure cases will be more conmion here
than it is at the present day.]
The Swedish Movements in Gyneecology. — Professor F. von
Preuschen (Birliu. kUn. Work., 1891, Xo. .5) makes use of this title
for Methotrexate Cost his paper, inasmuch as the cases reported in it, which were pre-
sented before the Greifswald Medical Society, were treated by the
Swedish movements only, and not by the special massage originated by
Brandt and known as Brandt's method. The author was among the
first to introduce Urnndt's method into tiermany, and is Methotrexate And Ra a firm believer
in its elliciency, but the object of the present i)ai)er is to Methotrexate For Ra show what
may be acconjplished by general manipulations w liich may be carried
out by the patient's relatives. These movements originated with Pro-
fessor, of .Stockholm, but have been modified and added to by
Brandt, and may be ilivided into those which have for their object a
detennining of blood to the pelvic organs and those which have a de-
rivative effect upon the same. One illustrative case of each affcclion
|N. Y. Med. Jocb.,
treated was shown to the society and its history briefly narrated. The
first case was one of dysmenorrhcea of long standing wliich had re-
sisted all kinds of treatment. Brandt's gymnastic movements for

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ที่ตั้ง:New York
เข้ามาครั้งสุดท้ายเมื่อ:อังคาร, 26 พฤศจิกายน 2013, 10:15PM  (4044 วัน 2 ชั่วโมง)