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Related post: aud sopranos, where, as we know, the highest tension and.
the most rapid vibration of the bands are required durinij-
singing. In writing the histories of these six cases, I paid
some attention to the manner in which the voice had been
used, and it seemed to me significant that two of the patients,
young women of twenty years, were in the same class at a
grand conservatory of music where only the true Italian
method was taught. During vocalization in both of these
cases, as the scale was ascended, the epiglottis was carried
farther downward and backward with each note and the
larynx was compressed more and more. One of these
women could sing only a short time without becoming
quite hoarse. After changing her teacher and using her
voice in a different manner, she could sing and does sing
every night at a theatre, and sings fairly Buy Meclizine Online well too, and there
is still some nodular enlargement on one of the bands.
One of my six patients — an operatic singer of great repu-
tation — stated the patliology of the condition known as
'•chorditis tuberosa" quite accurately when she said, after I
had described to her the laryngoscopic appearances, " Why,
I should say I had corns on my vocal bands." And Where To Buy Meclizine that I
believe is the pathological condition which is present in
these cases — a "dermoid metamorphosis," as Zietnssen *
puts it, the trachomatous condition alluded to by Macken-
zie, f Wedl, who examined a number of specimens micro-
scopically, found only connective-tissue hypertrophy with
heaps of nuclei. I have had sections from two nodules ex-
amined, which were removed from the vocal band by a small
snap guillotine, and the result, which was the same in both
cases, was connective tissue and e])ithelial elements iu
largely increased numbers.
These nodular enlargements are produced by the friction
of the free edge of one band against that of the other where
the voice is used a great deal, and where the tension of the
bands is unevenly controlled because of a faulty method of
using the laryngeal muscles; just as the outer layers of Generic Meclizine the
skin of the foot are hypertrophied by the friction of an ill-
fitiing shoe. Contrary to the teaching of many writers, I
believe that the nodular enlargement is the primary lesion ;
and the pathological appearances of the bands which follow
— such as congestion and general thickening, by reason
of which these cases have been improperly classed among
those of chronic laryngitis — these are secondary lesions and
are directlv dependent upon Meclizine Online the nodular enlargement.
"Chorditis tuberosa" should not be confounded with
the uneven surface of the vocal bands seen in long-standing
cases of simple chronic chorditis, where the vocal appara-
tus has been abused for many years, and strong astringents
or caustics have been so frequently applied to the larynx
that little normal mucous covering remains.
The terms " trachoma" and " scleroma" are more ap-
propriately applied to the uneven, rough, granular condition
of the vocal bands, as seen in the above cases, than to the
condition known as "chorditis Meclizine Buy tuberosa." Chorditis tu-
berosa may be the cause of a general trachomatous condi-
tion. Chorditis tuberosa should also be differentiated from
the cicatrices of tubercular and syphilitic ulcers or from
granulation tissue springing therefrom, and also from be-
nignant growths attached to the vocal Buy Cheap Meclizine bands.
The nodular enlargements may be situated upon one or
both bands. In five of the eight cases I have seen, the
nodule was on the left band. It is usually located a trifle
more anteriorly than midway between the vocal processes
and the anterior insertions of the vocal bands. (Fig. 1.)
And it is probable that at this point the friction between
the bands is greatest. A nodular enlargement on one band,
if the voice is persistently used in singing or speaking, in
time produces some alteration in the tissue of the other
band at the point of contact. Sometimes there is an ap-
pearance of depression in the vocal band just opposite the
nodule into whi'-h the protruding jioint fits. (Fig. 2.) If
this depression is examined carefully, the covering will pre-
sent a roughened appearance, a callous spot which has been
* Zicmsscn, C)lilopieiHa Practice AM., vol. iv, p. 217.
f Sir Morell Mackenzie, Di*. of Tltroat, vol. i, p. 294. Buy Meclizine
produced by the protruding point on the opposite band.
This callous depression Purchase Meclizine Online is really raised above Purchase Meclizine the normal
surface of the vocal band ; but a concavity exists because
the edges about the depression are elevated to a still greater
degree. After the nodule has existed for some time the
depression on the second band is sometimes filled, and later
gives place to a second nodule. Two nodules are now seen
striking against each other, and the bands are by just so
much more prevented from approximating during phona-
tion. If these nodules are not removed, and if the person
is allowed to continue singing, the irritative friction and
the increased effort of the intrinsic laryngeal muscles neces-
sary to bring the bands together cause a congestion and
thickening Order Meclizine of the entire substance of the bands, which it
will be very difficult to dissipate by the most judicious of
local treatment. If a very careful examination of one of

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ที่ตั้ง:New York
เข้ามาครั้งสุดท้ายเมื่อ:จันทร์, 25 พฤศจิกายน 2013, 06:27PM  (4123 วัน 23 ชั่วโมง)