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[New York
Medical Tournai..
end that a man may know it, and by knowing, lake
heed and beware." Thus the foremost place in the Glycomet Gp2
literature of toxicology was given to this vegetable
in the first encyclopaedia of Materia Medica'kwmn
to the annals of western science. This fact by it-
self furnishes the present writer with the hope thai
he may be "dispensed withall" on the occasion of
his placing before the readers of the New York-
Medical Journal the principal items of our accumu-
lated and capitalized aconite lore and science —
even Glycomet 850 in this rapidly progressive generation of anti-
septic medicine, of aseptic surgery, and of bacterio-
logical pathology.
In the course of his reflections on aconite and its
antidotes, the same author goes on to say — in fur-
ther emphasis of his admiration of the attainments
of his predecessors in exploration of natural his-
tory : "Our ancestors in times past staled not thus,
hut found out and deliuered vnto vs proper reme-
dies also for wilde beasts ; . . ." And, after tak-
ing notice of the knowledge displayed, in the matter
of the injurious qualities of herbs, by the animalia
fera which range the pasture Glycomet 500 Mg field and the forest,
he goes on to add : "Well, be it chance or be it Na-
ture that hath thus ordered the matter, certes a great
shame it had bin, that all other creatures should
haue knowne thus (as they do) what is good and
profitable for them, and man onlv remain ignorant.
But such was the Industrie and goodnesse of those
ancestours of ours in time past, that they not only
deuised means, but also deliuered to posterity, how
this venemous herbe Aconitum might be most safelv
and commodiously mingled in those coUyries and
medicines which be ordered for the eies." Still,
in a modern investigation of this important and in-
teresting subject, it is desirable to interject at this
stage the veracious item of toxicological history that
— notwithstanding the enthusiastic admiration of
Caius Plinius Secundus (Senior) for the scientific
industry and therapeutic attainments of his ances-
tors and predecessors — it must be admitted that it
was as an agent of evil, unrivalled in its sphere, that
aconite was specially recognized — and utilized — in
ancient and mediaeval times. Yet another point of
view, Glycomet Tablet from which such questions may be regarded
with speculative — and not uninstructive — interest,
is aflForded by the very probable surmise that the
more potent Glycomet Sr powers of many energetic agents of
therapeusis obtained from the vegetable kingdom
were first taught by observation of their deleterious
effects when taken into the system "in quantity." Glycomet 500mg
Curious instances of the confusion of scientific fact
and etymological fancy are supplied by an examina-
tion of the recesses of toxicological nomenclature.
The variety of epithets that have been employed
to decorate the plant which forms the subject of the
present article offers a conspicuous example. And Glycomet 1gm
another interesting specimen, derived from the min-
eral kingdom, offers a case in point which Glycomet 500 will bear
citation in the present connection, for the toxicologi-
cal powers of antimony have Glycomet Gp 2 more than once Glycomet 500 Sr been
placed conspicuously before the public in coiupara-
tively recent years. This element, which was used
by Constantinus Africanus (of Europe's earliest
medical school, the celebrated Schola Glycomet Sr 500 salcrnitana) ,
and was probably first alchymically isolated and
therapeutically utilized by Arab investigators, Glycomet 250 who
w ere the apostles of science and learning to western
luu'ope for many centuries, has also specially dis- Glycomet Gp1
tinguished itself by providing a hitherto insoluble
crux for the etymological inquirer. The original
Arab appellation of ithmid has been plausibly sup-
posed to lead (through some intermediate varia-
tions) to Glycomet Tablets the (J reek (T:i;i.;i.'.. and thence to the Latin
stibium. The Oriental name has also been sup-
posed to pass through the "spontaneous evolution"
series of athimodiiim, atimodiuni, atimonium, anti-
mo niitm in its progressive descent through the
"dog Latin" manuscripts of the Middle Ages. Suc-
cessful fusion of the two suggestions would, of
course, make aiitinionium and stibium divergent —
racial — specimens of the spelling of a single name.
Whatever may have been the Glycomet Gp hitherto unverifiable
facts of the Glycomet Price case, we find that the French spelling,
of antimoine. suggested — inevitably, too — the Eng-
lish equivalent of "Monk's bane," and led to the
invention of fantastic accounts of the efficacy of its
destructive powers as displayed on the persons of
the tenants of monasteries — a Glycomet 850 Mg derivation of the word
antimony which strongly appealed to even the great
"Father of English lexicography" himself. Perhaps
the fact that medicinal antimony was first brought
prominently under the notice of western Europe by
the rather shadowy investigator, Basil Valentine.
Alonke of the Order of St. Bennet, led to the empha-
sis of its monasterial etymology. But a clinical antithe-
sis of the therapeutic reputation implied is furnished
by the fact that the"Triumphal Chariot of Antimony"
of that writer placed this element high above all
others in physical importance, and informs the

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ที่ตั้ง:New York
เข้ามาครั้งสุดท้ายเมื่อ:อาทิตย์, 24 พฤศจิกายน 2013, 10:08AM  (4057 วัน 15 ชั่วโมง)