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![]() | Related post: Independent Suspension of the Head. By John J. Reed, M. Diltiazem 120mg D., Yisiting Physician to Charity Hospital. The method of extension here proposed is offered as Diltiazem 30mg an advance on that usually practised, and possesses important advantages. It requires no skill other than that needed in ordinary Diltiazem 240 Mg surgical procedure, and no apparatus beyond the resources of any practitioner. It does away with the necessity of the air-mattress, inas- much Diltiazem 30 Mg as it permits of extension, sufficiently prolonged to allow the Verapamil Diltiazem plaster of Paris to become hard. The second feature, that of independent suspension of the head, com- mends itself as a Diltiazem Online safe method of practice in cases of disease of the cervical or upper dorsal vertebrae, and was suggested by records of laceration of the spinal cord from forcible and unguarded extension. This might readily be anticipated when the pathological condition of the affected vertebrae is considered. 38 SUSPENSION BY ADHESIVE PLASTER IN The method was introduced for the more satisfactory treatment of spinal disease in patients at the 'New York Foundling Asylum, and the results attained have been such as to specially indicate it in children and young persons. The steps of the method are : Application of strips of adhesive plaster (Fig. 1) Diltiazem Xt ; use of Diltiazem 2 Ointment roller of soft gauze to bind the adhesive plaster (Fig. 2) ; suspension (Fig, 4) ; applica- tion of plaster-of-Paris bandage ; removal of adhesive plaster (Fig. 3) ; Diltiazem Fissure suspension of the head (Fig. 4). Fio. 1. Fig. 1 a. Strips of adhesive plaster, two and a half inches in width, are applied along the back, across the shoulder, and down the body anteriorly, leaving a loop for applying suspension. Over the adhesive plaster, and corresponding with it, is placed a Diltiazem 180 piece of roller bandage. This becomes of use later on, when it is necessary to remove the adhesive plaster. Both of these are shown in Fig. 1. In the loop is a piece of perforated wood to protect the adhesive plaster, and at the base of the loop (Fig. 1 rt) is a clamj) to bind the adhesive strip to the upper part of the trunk, and Diltiazem 180 Mg thus obtain a greater purchase. TREATMENT OF DISEASES OF THE SPINE. 30 The next step is important, as it does away with the knitted shirt, and leaves in its place an env^elope of soft gauze applied in the form of a bandage. The reason for tlie use of the gauze specially exists in the necessity of a roller to bind the adhesive plaster to the skin ; and, after the plaster of Paris is applied, it incorporates with it and forms a perfectly fitting ehirt. Fro. 2. The roller is commenced from above and carried down- ward. After the Diltiazem 180mg patient is suspended, it usually requires to be readjusted about the lower part of the body, to conform with the straightening which takes place from suspension. In regard to the Diltiazem Verapamil means of suspension, it consists of either a hook in the ceiling, or some fixed point above. To 2 Diltiazem Cream this is connected a pulley. Diltiazem Xr Passing through the pulley is a rope which is attached to Diltiazem Tablets an iron cross-bar (Fig. 4). From either end of the cross-bar cords pass down and through the per- forated Diltiazem 90 Mg wood in the loops of adhesive plaster. The rope has on it an ordinary clutch (Fig. 4), which readily secures it at any point. In applying the plaster-ot-Paris jacket, the ordinary plas- 40 SUSPENSION BY ADHESIVE PLASTER IN Diltiazem 30 ter-of-Paris roller is employed. It consists of a layer of gauze spread with plaster of Paris, and tliorongbly saturated before being bound around the body. When tlie plaster has hardened, the patient is lowered down. There then remains one of two things to be Diltiazem Cream 2 done, either to remove the adhesive strips or allow them to remain for daily suspension. If it is desired to remove the adhesive plaster, the shoulder loops are cut (Fig. 3), and the free end of the adhesive plaster is pinned to the end of the superimposed bandage. Traction made upon the bandage at the lower border of the plaster-jacket peels off the adhesive plaster, as will be readily understood by examining the engraving. Fig. 3. In cases of spinal disease of children, it is difficult, if not impossible, to teach them to practice daily extension, and to overcome this the author has taken advantage of the means of suspension by adhesive plaster to make periodic extension without being thwarted by the caprice of the patient. Instead of ordinary adhesive plaster, a variety known Diltiazem Sr as rubber adhesive is used. The advantage possessed by this latter consists in its increased adhesive properties without irri- tant action on the skin; and, instead of removing it, it is re- TREATMENT OF DISEASES OF THE SPINE. Related links: Slimming Tablets Xenical, Buy Zanaflex Online, Purchase Benazepril Online, Where To Buy Sublingual B12, Price Of Xenical, Lipitor Purchase, Minoxidil For Women, accutane prices, Carbamazepine Online, Clozapine Teva