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kind. The result shows that we may hope for Bicalutamide Cost a good re-
sult under very unfavorable conditions.
On the evening of the 24th of April, I was requested
by Mr. Finch to see a pregnant woman living some dis-
tance in the country. He had seen the patient for the
first time a few hours before and found that she had
been in labor four days, and thai there was some ol
tion to deliver] the nature of which he was unable to
determine. We rode that night about six miles in the
woods to a rude log cabin where we found a white
woman in labor. 'The abdomen was enormously dis-
tended and -he was in .-in exhausted condition. She bad
a high temperature and a pulse of about 140. The
waters had ruptured four days before, and since
then she Bicalutamide Msds had suffered Bicalutamide 50mg from strong expulsive pains.
This was her lirst labor, and according to her reckoning
she had gone over her time. The wall of the belly was
discolored and bruised, and a satisfactory examination
by the vagina or abdomen could not be made, on account
of -".ii tenderness. Bicalutamide 150 Mg The patient was therefore placed
under the influence of chloroform. The extreme pov-
erty of the family was shown by the fact that there was
but one basin in the house and no pitcher; but, in spite
of this, we were able by a Bicalutamide Price little patience to make the
examination without Buy Bicalutamide violating the principles of asepsis.
When the patienl was fully under the influence of chloro-
form, the most careful abdominal examination failed to
discover a living child, for we could obtain neither fcetal
movements, intermittent contractions, nor the sounds of
the Ecetal heart. The vaginal examination was more
valuable in solving the difficulties of the diagnosis.
Above the symphysis, at the entrance to the pelvis, could
be felt the uterine cervix. The posterior portion of the
left oblique diameter was filled by a mass which at first
felt like a head that had undergone a long process of
molding, but was found to be a tumor of some sort. The
anterior part of the left oblique diameter was found to
contain a head, or, to state the matter more accurately,
the conical projection of a small part of a head. The
pyramidal mass composed of the head and the pyramidal
mass composed of the tumor were both firmly engaged
in the pelvis, and no amount of justifiable force was suf-
ficient to dislodge them.
The condition with which we had to deal was the
simultaneous engagement and impaction of a portion of Bicalutamide Tablets
the child's head and a portion of the tumor. The child
evidently was dead, because careful and repeated exam-
ination- failed to reveal the heart sounds. As in all other
cases of impaction with death Bicalutamide 50 Mg of the child, three plans
of treatment were open: first, we might reduce tl
of the child's head; second, we might increase the size
id' the pelvis; and third, we might avoid tin' pelvic canal
by taking a short cut through the abdominal wall. In
making a choice of these methods the shape of the tumor
suggested that it had undergone energetic com]
by the uterus. The appearance of the woman indicated
nuBcular strength and she stated (hat the
had been contracting so vigorously that
unable to obtain more than short snati
This made I,, apprehensive that the compresi io
been sullioient to can-e death of the tumor, and thai
symphysiotomy or craniotomy mi-Id leave be
sloughing mass of tissue. The appearance of the patienl
strengthened the apprehension id' septic infectio
she was jaundiced and complained of having suffered
from chills and profuse sweats. Of course, these symp
toms might have been caused by breaking down of the
foetus inside of the uterus, but the absence of an offen-
sive discharge or of disagreeable odor when the sound
was passed made this unlikely. It was then after mid-
night and we returned home and arranged to operate at
once, stopping uterine effort in the meanwhile by mor-
The efforts of the surgeon to banish dirt and its evil
associates from wounded surfaces has led to costly oper-
ating rooms and expensive and complicated oper-
ating-room paraphernalia. No end of time and hard
work has been spent to learn the best method of securing
asepsis for the operating surgeon, surrounded by all that
wealth can procure to help him, but the conditions under
which gentlemen operate in the farmhouse and tene-
ment house have not received so much consideration as
they deserve. Much of the operating work in the fu-
ture, when the general practitioner is prepared to do
such work, will have to be done under such conditions.
Simple methods of disinfection are fairly well under-
stood and can be carried out under very unfavorable cir-
cumstances, but the most annoying circumstance is the
absence of material or instruments which may be needed
in an emergency. The transportation of materials by
satchels, valises, and bags is annoying and apt to cause
delay. To rid myself of these annoyances, some years

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ที่ตั้ง:New York
เข้ามาครั้งสุดท้ายเมื่อ:พุธ, 20 พฤศจิกายน 2013, 12:29PM  (4054 วัน 11 ชั่วโมง)