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Related post: increased, but rather diminished. E. F.
Results of Ovariotomy before and after Antiseptics. By T. Keith,
F. R. C. S., Edinburgh. — In a summary of his experience, published in the
" British Medical Journal," Dr. Keith states that he was first convinced
of the value of antiseptic treatment ten or twelve years ago, when shown
by Mr. Lister a living blood-clot in the wound of a compound fracture.
In what he calls the early days of antiseptics — 1869-'71 — a solution of
carbolic acid was used freely in washing out the peritoneal cavity ; all the
ligatures and instruments were carbolized ; towels soaked in the solution
were held against the wound to keep the air pure that entered ; the walls
even of the room in which the operation was performed were sponged
with it ; in fact, carbolic acid was wasted in every way, and nothing but
disappointment followed.
For the next five years he made use of no antiseptics in ovariotomy,
though continuing to do so in other operations. He still believed in the
principle, but thought it better to trust to care and cleanliness alone.
There was no preparatory treatment, save the giving of a cathartic. Few
restrictions were put upon visitors. He freely exposed the abdominal
cavity, cleaned it thoroughly, and there was no haste in closing. All
oozing parts were secured either by Lister's ligatures or by the cautery.
The cautery gradually displaced the clamp, or, when ligatures were re-
quired, he used fine iron wire or catgut. He thinks he was fortunate in
having discarded the use of silk, judging from Mr. Wells's one hundred
and fifty-seven cases, in which silk was used, and of which sixty died,
whereas, in fifty cases of his own, where the cautery was used, only four
died. In severe operations it was his rule to use the drainage-tube, ex-
tending to the bottom of the pelvis.
Since 1876 he has operated with all Mr. Lister's care, and under the
carbolic-acid cloud, and declares that he shall never go back to the old
Before giving his impressions of ovariotomy under the spray, he shows-
what he has been able to accomplish by carefulness alone. He does not
consider it a difficult operation, but one that requires care, and, in bad
cases, time. He first operated sixteen years ago. Of his first one hundred
cases he lost seventeen. During the live years preceding the use of spray
he operated ninety-four times. Of these cases nine died : three from ma-
lignant disease, one from obstructed intestine, and one from old kidney
He considers his good results due, 1, to drainage in severe cases by a
large perforated glass tube going Buy Abana Online to the bottom of the pelvic cavity ; 2,
to the use of the cautery in dividing the pedicle ; 3, to the use of Koe-
berle's compression forceps in large numbers ; 4, to the substitution of
ether for chloroform in his last two hundred and thirty operations. Of
these, drainage and the cautery contributed most.
He has performed forty-nine operations under the spray. Two of the
first eight died, the remaining forty-one recovered. At first, relying too
much upon the spray, he performed his operations rather more hurriedly,
did not sponge so carefully, and did not secure every bleeding point. He
gave up the drainage-tube. He is now convinced that, even with the
spray, it is advisable to use all carefulness, and always to use the drainage-
tube in severe cases.
Then follows a comprehensive table of the cases where the spray was
He uses Gardner's instrument, with the double spray producer.
He is very positive about the necessity of using the spray, and says it
is essential to the perfect carrying out of Mr. Lister's principle.
He thinks that the clamp must give way to some intra-peritoneal
method of treating the pedicle. His best results were after the use of the
"What has ovariotomy gained from antiseptics? 1. It has lessened the
mortality. 2. The increased Purchase Abana Online safety will induce surgeons to recommend
earlier operations. 3. The drainage-tube will not be so often required.
No one has practiced drainage so much as he, yet he knows well that it
sometimes can not be used without risk. 4. Convalescence is rendered
easier. 5. Antiseptics are a great comfort and relief to the operator. He
does not mean at the time of the operation, but in the feeling of confidence
and security it affords in regard to the safety of the patient.
Drawbacks may yet appear. He had noticed great depression follow-
ing long operations Buy Cheap Abana under the spray, and the greater stimulation that was
necessary for the first twelve or twenty-four hours.
The pleasure in the operation is marred by the frequency with which
malignant disease is found at the time of operation or makes its appear-
ance soon after. One fourth of his deaths were from malignant disease.
Some who went home cured and apparently in excellent health developed
cancer after some months.
He pays a deserved tribute to Dr. Foulis for his investigations of the
anatomy of the ovary, which have made its pathology simple, and enabled
us to recognize healthy and malignant ovarian structure, simple ovarian
and peritoneal fluids, as well as those of the uterine fibro-eysts.
Ho considers this long-despised operation the Bafesl of all the great
BUrgical operations, and closes with a tribute to Mr. Lister.
On the Effect of Superficial Cauterizations of the Pharynx in Certain
Veuroses. ("Allg. Med.Oentr. Zeit.," "Med.-Chir. Centralbl.," 1878.) Bitot
emphaztaes the favorable effect of these cauterizations of the pharyngeal
mucous membrane in cases of cranial neuroses with amnesia, due to affee-
tions of tlie superior cervical ganglion of the sympathetic. His conclu-
sions are: 1. The head is the seat of certain nervous derangements whose
localization lias not yet been determined. 2. In these the cranial portion
of the sympathetic must participate. 3. The assumption is justifiable that
the superior cervical ganglion of the sympathetic, which forms the chief
seat of the derangement, is the starting-point. 4. When this neurotic con-
dition resists the usual therapeutic measures, the relations of this ganglion
to the pharyngeal mucous membrane make the latter especially adapted to
counter-irritation. 5. The application of iodine to this mucous membrane
has furnished remarkably favorable results in essentially nervous derange-
ment; on the other hand, it is inert in the consecutive phenomena of
apoplexy. 6. Under this treatment, many of the cases complicated with
amnesia have regained the power of memory. E. F.
Luxation of Inner Extremity of Clavicle forward and upicard. — Van-
verts ("Gaz. des Hopitaux ") reports a further case of this rare disloca-
tion. A man, sixty-nine years old, in falling struck against a stove with
the right half of his thorax. Seen by the author immediately after the
accident, he complained of severe pain in the region of the fourth and fifth
ribs external to the nipple. Respiration was short, intermittent, and ac-
companied by pleurodynia ; intense pain on moving the arm. The internal
extremity of the left clavicle was markedly projected forward. The pa-
tient being very emaciated, the entire articular facet could be felt. Judg-
ing from the false point of motion, which was not that of a fracture, it
seemed that the inter-articular cartilage had followed the facet. The
most remarkable point, however, was the projection of the luxated por-
tion upward, the clavicle projecting two to three centimetres above the
sternum. The face was slightly turned toward the right, the head in-
clined toward the left shoulder. Contrary to the statement of surgeons,
that dislocations of the clavicle are easily reducible, the author states that
he and other colleagues could not accomplish reduction (forcibly drawing
the shoulder back and depressing the luxated end) attempted on repeated
occasions. Anaesthesia was Order Abana Online not employed. — Buy Abana (Supplement " Med.-Chir.
Centralblatt," 1878.) E. F.
EsmarcKs Bandage in Diseases of the Extremities. (" Berl. klin. Wochen-
schr.," "Med.-Chir. Centralbl.") — Cohn has employed the bandage for the
purpose of absorbing inflammatory and other morbid products in the ex-
tremities. Three cases of interest are reported. Two of these were of
acute nature, in which, on account of the rapid improvement, the treat-

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ที่ตั้ง:New York
เข้ามาครั้งสุดท้ายเมื่อ:จันทร์, 18 พฤศจิกายน 2013, 08:39AM  (4099 วัน 14 ชั่วโมง)